
It’s that time of the year again! Spring has sprung, and it is time to get out in your garden and start tidying up. Whether you are a novice gardener or an expert, there are always little things that need tending to around the yard. Here we will share some tips for spring cleaning to help you get started on your gardening journey this season.

Prune Shrubs and Trees

Plantlife will need time growing back after winter, but you can help them along by trimming away dead branches or other areas that are not looking their best at this time of year. Be sure to keep it simple though, don’t overdo the pruning until you get a feel for how much is appropriate in different situations!

Trimmed branches can be disposed of with a wood chipper for small farm.

Remove Winter Mulch

After winter has passed, it is recommended to remove the mulch you used during colder months. This will allow new plant life to grow unhindered by any leftover debris from last year’s garden!

Be sure not to burn or throw away old mulch because this can be dangerous for your soil and plants. Instead, dispose of it in a safe place that won’t affect other households like at your local landfill or recycling center.

This also goes hand in hand with clearing out dead foliage, make sure everything looks fresh and clean when spring rolls around so you get good results on your gardening journey!

Spring Raking Tips

Another great method of clearing the land for your spring garden is raking up all fallen leaves and twigs by using Hand Rake or Leaf Blowers. This will make sure any old or dead foliage doesn’t get in the way when you begin planting, allowing new plants to grow unhindered! Make sure to dispose of these properly as well. Again it’s best not to burn them and instead take them away from where they can cause damage like at a landfill or recycling center. You should also cut down any tall grass that may be growing around your garden but remember: safety first always use gloves and other protective gear! Be careful while using a cordless lawn mower.

Tidy Up the Vegetable Area

You should also be making sure your vegetable patch is clean and free of any debris such as twigs, old leaves, or other plants that may have died out. This not only makes it easier for you to plant but can help prevent diseases from spreading! Make a list of all the vegetables you want to plant this year then check them off once they’re in the ground. Just remember: don’t go planting anything until after the soil has thawed completely! Some people think spring starts earlier than March 21st but there’s no need to take risks now is there? So make sure if you do plan on starting before then that everything is well marked so nothing gets mixed up. You might even consider buying some new seeds as an extra incentive just to be on the safe side.

Pull Out the Weeds

Spring isn’t quite the time of year for planting but it is definitely time to get rid of any weeds that might be invading your garden beds. By using tools for pulling weeds pull out as many dandelions, cat’s ear, and other perennials now before they spread even more than they already have! This way everything will look just right once you’re finished with all those chores around the house. Make sure not to let things go too long though or else new plants won’t grow well after being covered by dead leaves during fall clean up!

Fertilize Plants

Evergreens always do well in the winter but they can’t quite manage to get enough nutrients from the frozen ground so it’s a good idea to fertilize them before spring. If you have evergreen trees, shrubs or hedges then this is definitely something that should be done! Even if your plants aren’t evergreen, giving them a boost of nitrogen will help their growth and health by encouraging strong roots and new shoots. Fertilizer spreaders are the best tool for the job.

Edge Your Garden Beds

If you have a border that goes around your garden then it’s always good to edge this before spring. Make sure the edges are neat and look sharp!

You can do this by cutting back any plants growing out of them or even completely removing some if they’re too much in the way…

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