
Winterizing a sprinkler system is something that you need to do if you live in an area with harsh winters. If your home has an air compressor, then winterizing the sprinkler system will be easy, but what if it doesn’t? Don’t worry! We’re going to show you some tips on how to winterize without using an air compressor. Follow these steps and your lawn will stay green all year long!

When to Winterize your sprinkler system

When to winterize your sprinkler system depends on a few factors. First of all, it is important that you know which parts are exposed in the exterior and how harsh the weather conditions where you live can get at times. In general, though, most equipment needs to be prepared for freezing temperatures from November through March in colder climates. If frost does not reach your area or if there is no possibility of ice formation inside your irrigation technology, then water tightness may already be sufficient when preparing these systems before September 30th. In warmer regions with less danger of getting frozen over during cold periods outside, this preparation can also begin sometime between mid-October and early December.

Dangers from moisture and frost

While not the only threat to your irrigation system, the central one is simply called water. This medium, which is actually so simple, has the unfortunately very unfavorable property for winterizing your irrigation technology of increasing significantly in volume when it freezes. This ultimately means that any water in the system will increase in volume and strain the structure of pipes, valves, pumps, nozzles, and all other affected components. The resulting ice pressure is so high that common structures made of plastic or even gunmetal or stainless steel are not able to withstand this without damage.

How to winterize a sprinkler system

First of all, turn off the water supply to the outside of the house. Disconnect all tubing from faucets inside the house and the Pulsating Sprinkler to eliminate the possibility of leaks when temperatures get low. You can also drain the remaining water by slowly turning each valve until it is completely empty.

Next, attach a faucet adapter to the end of each valve and open them up one by one, this will drain any water that is left in your sprinkler system’s lines. A standard garden hose can also be used for this purpose instead of attaching an adaptor to every single line (this method only needs to be done for the first valve).

Now it’s time to cover up your sprinkler system. You can use drain covers or even put down a tarp over the top of them—anything that will keep snow and rain from getting into the lines during winter is perfect. It may be best to store all pipes, hoses, wire spools, and other sprinkler system components in a storage shed or basement (where it will be cool) for the winter.


To winterize an irrigation system, winter drainage and some further work steps are necessary. Because in winter, the greatest dangers are frost and cold and the temporary standstill of the system. If, on the other hand, you make your irrigation system frost-proof, nothing will stand in the way of undisturbed use next spring.

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